About Lisa McNair

My earliest memory is knowing that I had an older sister, Denise McNair, who was slain by Klansmen in the infamous bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in September of 1963. The knowledge of her death is always with me and shapes everything about my life. You might think that that would have led to my parents teaching me and my younger sister to hate all White people. However, Mamma and Daddy chose to do just the opposite. They never taught us to hate but to love everyone and take time to understand how others see life. Mamma would say, “you can't know a man until you have walked a mile in his moccasins.”

When I am speaking publicly it is my desire to share how my family navigates through life after being a part of such a heinous act of hate. It Is my desire to share with others how we were learning to fight to live for love instead of hate despite how others were telling us not to do so. Love is the only way for understanding, reconciliation, and peace in the world in which we live.

"Lisa's personal story has given her the ability to address reconciliation, conflict resolution, and the promotion of peaceful interaction among individuals of all genders, orientations, ethnicities, and beliefs in a most impressive manner. Any entity in need of a speaker to provide leadership to their membership regarding any of the above issues would be most fortunate to have her. I would recommend Lisa to any audience, as a person who will leave the audience members uplifted and with increased human understanding.”—George D. H. McMillan, Jr., Attorney, Former Lt. Governor

"Lisa shares her families' story with love, compassion and emotion. My favorite part of Lisa's presentation is how she shares the lessons of her family's story to the lives of young people today. From anti-bullying to language can be a form of violence, to not hating anyone because hatred only destroys the hater, and love and faith are paramount for forgiveness, Lisa inspires all whom she meets.”—Jeff Steinberg, Founder, Sojourn to the Past

"While there are so many qualities that I cherish about Lisa, what I admire the most is her authenticity as expressed in her ability to be vulnerable in sharing what has to be the most painful moment of her life. Despite whatever personal pain the continual re-telling of her story must take on her, she consistently gives of herself to every new audience in ways that are transparent on her part and transformational for those who are listening. Every time I get to her Lisa tells her story I learn something new. She has a manner that is very genuine and moving. Lisa is a very gifted storyteller, who has a demeanor that is genuine and winsome. I have seen her present before diverse types of audiences, yet what consistently rings true in each instance is the deep love and adoration they have for her due to her ability to make her story real and relatable.”—Dr. Todd Allen, Founder, The Common Ground Project

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